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gardevoir_lovesick @gardevoir_lovesick
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gardevoir_lovesick @gardevoir_lovesick
Hey! I just found your account and see that you might not be coming back to MaiOtaku but if you ever do I'd love to talk about Yandere Simulator or just Yanderes in general

Kat @unikitten_de
Kat @unikitten_de
I don't think I'll be coming back again sorry to those who enjoyed talking to me. The internet just kinda isn't my thing.

Baka @reinhardt76 Take care

Kat @unikitten_de
Kat @unikitten_de
Going offline for a bit see ya.

Kat @unikitten_de
commented on
Kat @unikitten_de
Thanks for defending me guys. Means the world to me. <3
Last one to post here wins

Kat @unikitten_de
commented on
Last one to post here wins
Kat @unikitten_de