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chibi neko @nekoman451
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chibi neko @nekoman451
nothing much. u? :3

azukina @azukina
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azukina @azukina
Haha yeah I always hear cali is better in terms of people/opportunities
just that it's more expensive XP
i'm in Spring Valley
Yeah i'm sensitive to heat xD
and cold @_@
you can actually see the heatwaves and shit outside during summer
it's terrible
and wow, it's amazing you prefer the heat xD
not many people do versus cold

saikyo_tobi @saikyo_tobi
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saikyo_tobi @saikyo_tobi
thats good. so how have other things been?

Pyro @pyro
Pyro @pyro
Okay so I was reading the thread What's the reason you're single?
And honestly, I thought that thread should of been placed here instead of the random chatter form. Everyone was just depressed about why they were single and they mentioned why they were single.
Okay I get why you're single, so what are you looking for?? Friends? Relationship?? What is it that you want from people because last time I've checked people can't read minds.
So this thread is about you telling people what you want, whether its friends or a relationship, tell people why should they talk to you. Why you should be romantically involved with them and what you can offer to them. You guys are all awesome cuz you guys are otakus!!
Look, I'm 5'8 weigh 208, I suck at a lot of things, mostly at telling jokes, stories, and directions. But you know what? I'm loyal as fuck(excuse my french)to both my friends and my relationship.
I pick up trash from the sidewalk and throw it in the trash even though I have a messy room >○>;
so yea let's be friends okay?
(P.s. I had no idea what to call this thread so no hate)
Hiiii everyone from around the world!

Pyro @pyro
commented on
Hiiii everyone from around the world!
Pyro @pyro
Sup broskies!!
What's new with you??