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Johannes @yestotally
Johannes @yestotally
yes it had been
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Johannes @yestotally
Johannes @yestotally
Lishifu @hakutaku
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Lishifu @hakutaku
Welcome backヾ(o・ω・)ノ
Johannes @yestotally
Johannes @yestotally
what's up everyone :D
Best MO Profile
Johannes @yestotally
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Best MO Profile
Johannes @yestotally
dildo baggins sounds like a former name that i'd use
PAP: Relationship Goals
Johannes @yestotally
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PAP: Relationship Goals
Johannes @yestotally
i always go back to this site when im down bad for a relationship. tbh i know it's cope because who tf lives in the netherlands and uses maiotaku. but honestly, thanks for the wholesome reminder. all i really needed was the reminder that as a guy, you just need a girl who puts your mind/emotions to rest and that as a girl, you just need a guy who you CAN trust.