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Inygma @traplover69
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Ryushika The Trap
Inygma @traplover69

Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3 wow

Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
@_@ suddenly i get a few friend requests.... twilight zone as fuckkkk

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann You spoke too soon...LOL

. @pk_zero People replied to your warframe thread. See there are people here that want to talk to you and have similar interests :) I'm happy for you!

Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3 human feet all over my warframe sprouting from the ground

Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
Article 13

Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
commented on
Article 13
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
I saw this when net neutrality was taken away in america.
I will be unsurprised for other freedoms to be taken away.
The poor and homeless already have no freedom here. Those who have money have freedom. But america is capitalist. Meaning it focuses on the money and well. Thats our main concern.
Not to say its not better than a lot of countries if youre poor. It can be better in the forms of support for those that are homeless or poor. But it is flimsy support. But flimsy support is support regardless.
I dont mind being born here. I mind being born at all being forced to live without my consent and without the freedom to die if i so choose.
Nihilism thread

Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
commented on
Nihilism thread
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3
bad mean things