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HyperCade20 @hypercade20
left a comment for
Soren Hayato
HyperCade20 @hypercade20
Hi hi

soulanime @soulanime
left a comment for
Soren Hayato
soulanime @soulanime
Hi how are you
Im interested in getting to know you

Soren Hayato @sorenk
Soren Hayato @sorenk
Looking for someone to play games with, specifically pc and not consoles games lol. No offense to console gamers.
What are you looking in a friend?

Soren Hayato @sorenk
commented on
What are you looking in a friend?
Soren Hayato @sorenk
has to have somewhat similar interests and mindset but it mainly comes down to when I meet that person if they should be my friend or not.