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Blackwing218 @blackwing218
left a comment for
NeKo NiOr
Blackwing218 @blackwing218
Thanks for the add? What's new?

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
left a comment for
NeKo NiOr
Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
Howdy, thanks for the request :) How are you today? Erm, evening I guess I should properly say :p

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
left a comment for
NeKo NiOr
Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
This account has been suspended.
what's your disability?

NeKo NiOr @nekobb13
commented on
what's your disability?
NeKo NiOr @nekobb13
Hello all,
I have PTSD, anxiety, and depression. I have a question for everyone though (only answer if you want to) have you gone about treating your disabilities?
As for therapy and CBD oil has helped me tremendously!

NeKo NiOr @nekobb13
commented on
NeKo NiOr @nekobb13
Alice, TX!