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hmmokami @hmmokami
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hmmokami @hmmokami
Hi thx for accepting

Blackwing218 @blackwing218
Blackwing218 @blackwing218
So, I decided to hop back on here, also upgraded to premium. Whats up guys and gals?

dramanerd008 @dramanerd008
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dramanerd008 @dramanerd008
Nice to meet you too!
Embarrassing Lines

Blackwing218 @blackwing218
commented on
Embarrassing Lines
Blackwing218 @blackwing218
I was in line outside at a larp event. There was a cute girl I've been talking to awhile with me, a 2nd younger girl from park and this one twig dude from our park. All larpers. Anyways 2nd girl was clinging to other dude for "shade", keep in mind he was a twig. So I thought it would be a good idea to make a joke about his twiggyness and told her she'd get more shade from me or the cute girl I was talking to. instant regret. cute girl didn't talk to me for the rest of the event.
Embarrassing Lines

Blackwing218 @blackwing218
Embarrassing Lines
Blackwing218 @blackwing218
Whats the most embarrassing thing you've told a girl/guy when you were trying to be smooth?