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35 year old Female
Last online about 14 hours ago
Aug 10, 23 at 10:38pm
*Is Japanese by heritage* Aw, I'm sure you're an amazing big brother. Becoming legal guardian is what I did for my baby sister, also. The pains of raising a child as a child... but something I was willing to die for. Calling me Dum-dum really isn't far off from reality, so it's fine.
Aug 10, 23 at 8:14pm
Alright, Dum-dum! Since you gave me the right to call you that.... 1. Can't decide really. Night = Less annoying shitebags in number, but also are more annoying than the daytime shitebags to make up for their small numbers. However, for now since I don't live in a very populated area.... Nighttime it is. Yeah, jokes aside, should see the all nighters I pull. I'm a nightstalker, a vampire, dum-dum. Why don't you take this mask, and surpass humanity as well? https://media.tenor.com/764YVO53ObkAAAAC/dio-jojo.gif 2. Nope. Animals are dirty things. I love them, but I love having a clean, good smelling house more. The scent of living... The scent of civility! Since my assautrons were no good.... I'll have to try a new method.... Dum-dum! Another settlement needs our help, here, I'll mark it on your map. https://media.tenor.com/7ikJbtxqPKYAAAAC/fallout4.gif 3. Zodiac? I'm a Capricorn. I don't really have anything else to say except.... I dunno, I guess? 4. YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE! FUCK ALL HOLIDAYS 5. Actually, I'm more of a brownie person. Heh heh heh. https://media.tenor.com/IScjCvRv-hQAAAAd/brownies-desert.gif 6. Favorite family member? My younger sister. A pure bundle of joy that keeps me happy, and smiling all day, and must be protected at all costs! As her legal guardian, that's kinda my job anyways. https://media.tenor.com/llGg-8O-x6EAAAAC/weather-report-stone-ocean.gif I *really* shouldn't have posted Weather Report there. LOL I'm dying, but he's who I thought of on the topic of sisters okay?! Just don't worry about that 7. Am I misunderstood? Dum-dum.. That's, all day, everyday. That's not even a joke. Sad right? But hey, I've only woke up sobbing in a puddle of my own urine over it once... https://media.tenor.com/-3oFivj8utoAAAAC/polnareff-crying.gif 8. Can I live in the moment? Lady, I don't even know what you mean. I dunno, depends. Whatever? 9. Emotional or Logical? Definitely logical, but my logic comes from emotion so.... I dunno. Y'know there was this one time, My buddy Josh got reverse exercised on his birthday. Messy stuff. It's where you trap someone's soul in your body, and then you explode, sending you both to hell. I'm pretty sure that's a logical decision. Convincing drunks to do that just for kicks... I mean Josh ate the forbidden cake slice for whatever reason. He had to die, or else something would have happened... The 4th slice... is always bad luck... https://media.tenor.com/-1pN01SerrgAAAAC/mista-jojos-bizarre-adventure.gif 10. Favorite shite as a kiddo? Beyblade, and Pokemon above all else. Of course, I'm still a huge Pokemon fan. Beyblade not as much, but I will never not be Beyblade fan. It has a special place in my heart. https://media.tenor.com/6IpTZvy25ysAAAAd/beyblade-burst.gif 11. Country kid. Course I have. Though I suck at both. Conquering the world and getting rich is more up my alley. https://media.tenor.com/F67DPbsyoDYAAAAC/jojo-transformation.gif 12. Swim? I'm a lazy river lover, I don't *swim*. Okay, Ocean, and I'm actually a fantastic swimmer, but I'm laying on the beach and getting a sexy tan, thank you very much! 13. Very sensitive topic.... TEA IS ABSOLUTELY VILE AND A MISTAKE I DON'T CARE ABOUT TRADITION BURN THE TEA ALL OF IT!!!!!! Needless to say, I am addicted to coffee. https://media.tenor.com/OOIzP__zRRoAAAAC/diego-brando-sbr.gif 14. Favorite historical figure? Eastern countires... Their stupid, and disgusting sense of honor. I hope they choke on it. I can't stand it! So obviously I'm leaning towards the west. One of Rome's Emperors. Nero. 15. Oh for... Come on, I live on an entirely different planet! Don't worry though, Pumpki- I mean, Dum-dum! I won't destroy your brain trying to explain. https://media.tenor.com/aTUo8LBRfeAAAAAd/nasa-nasa-gifs.gif 16. Do I? I'm the very embodiment of mental illness! https://media.tenor.com/PlsdC2fry3MAAAAC/anime-rohan.gif 17. https://media.tenor.com/D11uvvDar58AAAAC/cyndago-blonde.gif figure the rest out yourself. LOL 18. Blue eyes. Man, that, and the blue eyes? Hitler's favorite, comin' at ya! 19. Ermes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. She's perfect. https://media.tenor.com/rUQ8zadJBRIAAAAC/ermes-kiss.gif 20. You thought it was Druglord Diavolo answering 20 questions, but it was me, Dio! And have only answered 19, just to be difficult! https://media.tenor.com/WI1--JsW33EAAAAC/dio-jojo.gif
Aug 10, 23 at 10:35pm
Oh, and I'm a snake also. :)
Aug 10, 23 at 4:28pm
1. Are you a morning person or a night person?(Someone who stays up late or wakes up early) Depends on my mood, I can be either. https://media.tenor.com/PQt3WyEZZwQAAAAC/code-geass-good-morning.gif 2. Do you have any pets? No, maybe one day but my living situation doesn't allow for pets. I'd probably get a snuggly cat. https://media.tenor.com/qSArKCXLMpwAAAAC/dm4uz3-sakamoto.gif 3. What is your Zodiac? (Chinese, but you can use the other one if you want) Snake and virgo https://media.tenor.com/SVG6QclAFQUAAAAC/viva-la-virgo-virgos.gif 4. What's your favorite holiday? Halloween https://media.tenor.com/ubRZAJcC21gAAAAC/halloween-trick-or-treat.gif 5. What is your favorite kind of cake? Lemon Meringue https://media.tenor.com/ct-aYqAIcokAAAAC/lemon-meringue-meringue.gif 6. Who is the favorite person(s) in your family?(found family/friends count) My brother since he's wanted for variuos war crimes. https://media.tenor.com/paYrd8VEeikAAAAC/karadzic.gif 7. Do you often feel misunderstood? Sometimes but I feel I convey myself well. Unfortunately you can't click with everyone. That's okay though. If it's not meant to be then that's how it's supposed to be. https://media.tenor.com/I50aFOQrLNoAAAAC/bunny-bunny-rabbit.gif 8. Are you good at living in the moment? According to Bodhidharma, the founder of Chan Buddhism which became Zen in Japan, the path to englightment is by beholding the mind. Once you do you will realize your buddhanature. He traveled to China from Persian central asia, Northern India, or South India. In China at that time Buddhism was primarily a study of scripture. Bodhidharma wanted to teach a more practical form of buddhism anyone could practive even if they were uneducated. "Bodhidharma equated Zen with buddhahood and believed that it had a place in everyday life. Instead of telling his disciples to purify their minds, he pointed them to rock walls, to the movements of tigers and cranes, to a hollow reed floating across the Yangtze." So "being in the moment" is less something you're good at but something to rediscover. It's your nature. https://ssubbanna.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/bodhi2.jpg 9. Are you more emotional or logical? Mix of both. I think it's important to acknowledge both. We have our logical mind and our emotional mind. They are both important. https://media.tenor.com/dYWV1i9w0C4AAAAC/tao-balance-ying-yang.gif 10. What was your favorite show/book as a child? Now that's a very difficult question. I liked many. Just look at my profile if you want an idea. https://media.tenor.com/BJjTaAh6rQAAAAAC/decision.gif On second thought I will go with Robotech https://media.tenor.com/au6_toetudUAAAAC/macross.gif https://media.tenor.com/_kjyDgrIvfQAAAAC/macross-minmay.gif 11. Have you ever gone hunting/fishing? No, I'm descendant of city folk https://media.tenor.com/p0VPQGWKYqQAAAAC/city.gif 12. Would you prefer swimming in ocean, river, or lake? Ocean, rivers and lakes usually have a lot of bugs. https://media.tenor.com/8oiD_k8mWrYAAAAC/anime-sky.gif 13. Do you like tea or coffee more? tea, coffee is bitter for me. Tea I like https://media.tenor.com/KZwLnSajk0EAAAAC/prima-doll-haizakura.gif 14. Do you have a favorite historical figure? That's another hard one. I'll go with Ramesses the great. He was a great warrior but also statesman. The oldest known peace treaty came from his leadership. I like the duality. https://i.ibb.co/x84xN15/1200px-Ramses-II-British-Museum.jpg 15. What timezone do you live in? Easteren standard time 16. Do you have any mental illnesses? If you don't want to answer that, what do you do when you feel sad/depressed? Lots, I am not allowed to own firearms. I do meditation and healthy outlets like games, walking, chatting. https://media.tenor.com/anwD6nk3WCMAAAAC/agara-gun.gif 17. What color is your hair? Black 18. What color are your eyes? brown 19. Do you have an anime husbando/waifu/etc? Chun Li, she is a dream. https://media.tenor.com/0haUeslwHLUAAAAC/chun-li-pretty.gif 20. Do you have a favorite genre of music? anime and video game music but I listen to a lot of genre. I usually keep my music tastes private cause I don't like my tastes being criticized. https://media.tenor.com/ubXb5Y6eGioAAAAi/anime-dj.gif
Aug 10, 23 at 10:26pm
I have to know how you get your posts to look so uniform! I made an attempt, but as you can see... vodka potato... Ramses the Great would have been a very interesting one. Also a fellow tea drinker. Hnhn.
Aug 10, 23 at 4:28pm
1. Are you a morning person or a night person?(Someone who stays up late or wakes up early) Depends on my mood, I can be either. https://media.tenor.com/PQt3WyEZZwQAAAAC/code-geass-good-morning.gif 2. Do you have any pets? No, maybe one day but my living situation doesn't allow for pets. I'd probably get a snuggly cat. https://media.tenor.com/qSArKCXLMpwAAAAC/dm4uz3-sakamoto.gif 3. What is your Zodiac? (Chinese, but you can use the other one if you want) Snake and virgo https://media.tenor.com/SVG6QclAFQUAAAAC/viva-la-virgo-virgos.gif 4. What's your favorite holiday? Halloween https://media.tenor.com/ubRZAJcC21gAAAAC/halloween-trick-or-treat.gif 5. What is your favorite kind of cake? Lemon Meringue https://media.tenor.com/ct-aYqAIcokAAAAC/lemon-meringue-meringue.gif 6. Who is the favorite person(s) in your family?(found family/friends count) My brother since he's wanted for variuos war crimes. https://media.tenor.com/paYrd8VEeikAAAAC/karadzic.gif 7. Do you often feel misunderstood? Sometimes but I feel I convey myself well. Unfortunately you can't click with everyone. That's okay though. If it's not meant to be then that's how it's supposed to be. https://media.tenor.com/I50aFOQrLNoAAAAC/bunny-bunny-rabbit.gif 8. Are you good at living in the moment? According to Bodhidharma, the founder of Chan Buddhism which became Zen in Japan, the path to englightment is by beholding the mind. Once you do you will realize your buddhanature. He traveled to China from Persian central asia, Northern India, or South India. In China at that time Buddhism was primarily a study of scripture. Bodhidharma wanted to teach a more practical form of buddhism anyone could practive even if they were uneducated. "Bodhidharma equated Zen with buddhahood and believed that it had a place in everyday life. Instead of telling his disciples to purify their minds, he pointed them to rock walls, to the movements of tigers and cranes, to a hollow reed floating across the Yangtze." So "being in the moment" is less something you're good at but something to rediscover. It's your nature. https://ssubbanna.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/bodhi2.jpg 9. Are you more emotional or logical? Mix of both. I think it's important to acknowledge both. We have our logical mind and our emotional mind. They are both important. https://media.tenor.com/dYWV1i9w0C4AAAAC/tao-balance-ying-yang.gif 10. What was your favorite show/book as a child? Now that's a very difficult question. I liked many. Just look at my profile if you want an idea. https://media.tenor.com/BJjTaAh6rQAAAAAC/decision.gif On second thought I will go with Robotech https://media.tenor.com/au6_toetudUAAAAC/macross.gif https://media.tenor.com/_kjyDgrIvfQAAAAC/macross-minmay.gif 11. Have you ever gone hunting/fishing? No, I'm descendant of city folk https://media.tenor.com/p0VPQGWKYqQAAAAC/city.gif 12. Would you prefer swimming in ocean, river, or lake? Ocean, rivers and lakes usually have a lot of bugs. https://media.tenor.com/8oiD_k8mWrYAAAAC/anime-sky.gif 13. Do you like tea or coffee more? tea, coffee is bitter for me. Tea I like https://media.tenor.com/KZwLnSajk0EAAAAC/prima-doll-haizakura.gif 14. Do you have a favorite historical figure? That's another hard one. I'll go with Ramesses the great. He was a great warrior but also statesman. The oldest known peace treaty came from his leadership. I like the duality. https://i.ibb.co/x84xN15/1200px-Ramses-II-British-Museum.jpg 15. What timezone do you live in? Easteren standard time 16. Do you have any mental illnesses? If you don't want to answer that, what do you do when you feel sad/depressed? Lots, I am not allowed to own firearms. I do meditation and healthy outlets like games, walking, chatting. https://media.tenor.com/anwD6nk3WCMAAAAC/agara-gun.gif 17. What color is your hair? Black 18. What color are your eyes? brown 19. Do you have an anime husbando/waifu/etc? Chun Li, she is a dream. https://media.tenor.com/0haUeslwHLUAAAAC/chun-li-pretty.gif 20. Do you have a favorite genre of music? anime and video game music but I listen to a lot of genre. I usually keep my music tastes private cause I don't like my tastes being criticized. https://media.tenor.com/ubXb5Y6eGioAAAAi/anime-dj.gif
Ghost @kuharido I believe it's the gifs that separate the lines.
Aug 10, 23 at 10:23pm
So many kitties! It is a lot of care, but so worth it.
Aug 10, 23 at 7:10am
PART 3 1. I'm a night person. 2. I have 8 cats and 2 dogs XD 3. Im an Aries. Didn't know there was another one. 4. All the holidays here suck. But my favourite holiday outside my country/culture is Halloween. 5. CHOCOLATE CAKE. 6. My mom. 7. Yeah because I never tell anyone anything XD. 8. I don't remember the time I had a moment to live in so I don't know. 9. Logical. 10. As a child my favourite show was Ben 10 and my favourite book was Don Quixote. 11. When I was little, me and dad went bird hunting and fishing. 12. None of them. I can't swim and if I could I still wouldn't because the thought of something being in the water terrifies me. 13. Tea 100% . 14. King Cyrus the Great. 15. Pakistan Standard Time. 16. I've been diagnosed with depression. But doctor dad thinks I have BPD but I'm not diagnosed with it so Idk about that. 17. Dark brown. 18. Dark brown. 19. My husbandos include undertaker from Black Butler, Kento Nanami and Suguru Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen. And my waifus include Juvia Lockser from Fairy Tail, Meimei from Jujutsu Kaisen. 20. I don't have a favourite. Whatever sounds good to my ears XD
Amir @amir_bahram No it's not worth it at all XD. It's too much. My parents brought in the cats. If it were up to me, I'd only have one cat
Curlymity @forgetmenot left a comment for yuuzora
Aug 10, 23 at 5:31am
Aug 10, 23 at 12:49am
Dum dum is fine. I really ain't the sharpest tool in the crayon box.
Thanks. I just buried my saxophone. It died, coz of your cruel words. Wait.... that's a good thing isn't it? Oh well LOL. Okay, that's pumpkin, but what about dum-dum?
Aug 10, 23 at 12:23am
It stems from wealthy elitists who think they're more intelligent but what really has gone on is they had better access to resources. So they see the 'poor people' and feel bad. Instead of going, "hmmm the systems of our society seem to have ceased functioning, perhaps we need to reset?" they went "What don't we just get rid of them? With robots? So much easier."
I agree with that Conspiracy theory too. I don't even think it's a theory, it's a fact
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah, they are just downright nasty is a lot of their issues. The elitists are fine with it because it doesn't effect them, but if it did that'd be an issue then lol
Aug 10, 23 at 12:21am
You had me in the first half. But I saw saxaphone. *hiss* I'd rather listen to a crumhorn concerto for 418 hours. These are not my particular beliefs, just random questions. It's never a dull moment with you. Thanks. Also just because my hair is red doesn't mean you can call me pumpkin. >0
Aug 08, 23 at 11:09pm
1. Do people find me weird? Yep. Not everyone can handle this much awesome. If they don't like it, just means they have NO eye for sexiness. I mean, you won't be able to look anywhere else with *this* mug anywhere around! https://media.tenor.com/1B4yqoByJZgAAAAC/handsome-jack-borderlands.gif 2. What do I think about American pop? It's gross. Okayyy there are a few good ones here and there. Mostly a load of crap. But most of them... They make wanna vomit razors! What the hell is wrong with them?! https://media.tenor.com/FuncYICyl-gAAAAC/doppio-jba.gif 3. Some kind of airport in Prague, Czech Republic. Most of you kiddos should know by now that this is in the name of love! https://media.tenor.com/gq9pYiNc534AAAAd/gracie-graciepol.gif 4. Is the water safe to drink? Well duh, We've only had ONE incident where a CL4P-TP unit frickin' died in one of the water purifiers. That's awesome by the way. It's so satisfying when those things die, they're so stupid! Okay... Real answer? Hell if I know. https://media.tenor.com/gZ6jQVwZZhkAAAAd/claptrap-borderlands.gif 5. Ai art? I like it. I like being able to outperform people who actually work for their art with no effort just for kicks! Ha! They suck! Smell that? That's called civility... So in order to keep that, I'm gonna need ya to eat some Assaultrons, dum-dum! https://media.tenor.com/YyrdljcfuHAAAAAd/fallout-assaultron.gif 6. Conspiracies? Only the one about a totally infinite universe. Your dream come true? It's already true. I'm lookin' at you, kiddos! Aka anime girl pervs! She exists, you just gotta find her. https://media.tenor.com/B9sCzyRPhtwAAAAM/diavolo-jojo-jojos-bizarre-adventure.gif 7. Handed? Come on we all know I'm a lefty! I... don't have a gif for this, oddly enough. not important enough LOL. 8 Favorite ship? The Flying Dutchman, no doubt. I love pirate stuff anyway, and well any pirate myths like the Flying Dutchman? I'm into it. Now then, there's also the one from Pirates of the Caribbean. Honestly? Davy Jones is one of the best characters of all time for me. Outside of JoJo/Borderlands, of course. https://media.tenor.com/TSx1fk_qd1gAAAAC/davy-jones.gif 9. What will we look like in 1m years? Dead. Unless we're smart. Or... If we were to..... Move beyond such bandit-like trifles. https://media.tenor.com/r1WUspee5s4AAAAC/jojo-bizarre.gif 10. Are you kidding me? I own a man made CASINO PLANET! Literally your dream! Just keep losing and racking up that debt! Hahaha! you're so stupid! Eat some loaders, asshole! https://media.tenor.com/FUdhzgzYjAEAAAAd/bot.gif 11. Last book I read.... JoJolands chapter 4... 12. If you watched JoJo, you know exactly what I'm gonna say! hah! What kinda Horse am I? Why, I'm a Hol Horse. https://media.tenor.com/bvkr9PFYHZAAAAAC/jojos-bizarre-adventure-hol-horse.gif 13. I... I am back from the deaaaddd!!!! And now, it's time to play the saxophone! https://media.tenor.com/hgzixs83q0YAAAAd/jack-black-sax-a-boom.gif 14. Well... I honestly can't hold my own in a physical fight, or martial arts, but I will win anyways, that's just how I work, pumpkin. All attempts to challenge me in any form are useless! Useless! It's all useless!! https://media.tenor.com/gaiQLqjpO3kAAAAC/jojo.gif 15. FUCK ALL HOLIDAYS 16. Honestly, I can swing either way. Just be mindful of that. Coz sometimes, you might get a mouthful of shit, and others you get pure purity. https://media.tenor.com/qm-AUs5gNQsAAAAM/diavolo-jjba.gif 17. Living 18. I love birds. Except ducks. Ducks are pure hellspawn. Otherwise, birds are far better than any mutt could ever be! Plus, I can't stand a dogs god damned bootlicking. https://media.tenor.com/aS8gH9YbiXoAAAAC/dio-dog.gif 19. If manga counts, then Mista/Diavolo. If not... then... https://media.tenor.com/q1k29R6nfz8AAAAd/robo-cop-movie-poster.gif 20. No, because anime is cartoon. Cartoon is anime. Just coz it's not Japanese doesn't mean it's not anime. Seriously where is your brain? Almost as stupid as a CL4P-TP unit! Don't worry though, pumpkin. It's impossible to be dumber than those things. https://media.tenor.com/2t4R_1uJOqMAAAAC/claptrap-borderlands.gif
Aug 10, 23 at 12:16am
Titan would be amazing! Especially since we could find living things there. *cries in artist and musician* I was kicked enough in school days, thank you. Why do you think I'm such a soft little trash potato.
Aug 08, 23 at 9:32pm
1. Do people find you weird? No, most find me charming and nonjudgemental. I am too hard on myself actually and think I am repulsive, cringe, creepy, and stand offish. https://media.tenor.com/gyknnZN90qwAAAAi/anime.gif 2. What do you think of current pop music from the United States? It is abysmal. It's because the current pop music scene is controlled by just a few people with Max Martin being one of the top. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Martin He is behind the majority of major pop songs in the USA for the last twenty years. It's completely destroyed mainstream American music. He's not even American, he's from Sweden. There's no group of people I distrust more than the Northern Europeans(like the Dutch, Nordic, etc.) they grow fat on the backs of the UK, USA, Germany, France, Spain, etc. then have the audacity to claim they are a Utopia. Their diet is just whale fat. It's disgusting. Fuck Northern Europe! I love the rest of Europe though, Eastern Europe is alright, Western Europe is fantastic, totally love Southern Europe. Max Martin should be burned at the stake for how much he destroyed American culture. https://www.worldatlas.com/r/w768/upload/36/ca/1a/scandinavia-map.png https://media.tenor.com/Pi94jf-n56gAAAAC/anime-gun.gif 3. If you could visit any place in the world right now, where would you go? I want to visit Venice during Carnival. I'd love to wear one of the costumes. Venezia is bellissimo! https://visit-venice-italy.global.ssl.fastly.net/pics/carnival/2023/venice-carnival-masks-costumes-006.jpg 4. Is the water safe to drink where you live? Yes, water regulations are quite strict here. Which is good! Potable water is a human right. The fact there are those who live with unsafe water is a clear sign of a soft genocide. https://media.tenor.com/BVICBUXR4CIAAAAC/water-waterfall.gif 5. What do you think of AI art? It's fine with me, I'm all forward on technology. Artists need a good kick in the pants also. Bunch of conceded paint huffing socially indept freaks. https://media.tenor.com/E3HKLHuqfYwAAAAi/marikoneko.gif 6. What's your favorite conspiracy theory? The moon being made by aliens https://media.tenor.com/QM1M_-u9KicAAAAC/moon-purple.gif 7. Are left or right handed? Right handed 8. Have a favorite ship? Nimitz-class aircraft carriers https://media.tenor.com/vtzfUfW6twIAAAAC/america-aircraft-carrier.gif 9. What do you think humans will look like in a million years? Humanity as we know it will be extinct. We will be replaced with organic sentient machines. We deserve it too, we've been taught how to live yet we ignore it for our selfish feelings. https://media.tenor.com/DJ6Gd6CyQSEAAAAC/cheems-doge.gif 10. If you could visit any planet, which one would you go to? Not a planet but a moon. Titan, I'd like to see the lakes and rivers on it. https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2017/10/16/titan-41d62a75c7b7376fe8ff872bb1deec3bc24a4a14-s800-c85.webp 11. What was the last book you read? Probably one of my Buddhist books. "the way of Bodhisattva" most likely https://media.tenor.com/NCqAkXZniFAAAAAC/kwan-yin-kuan-yin.gif 12. If you were a horse, what kind of horse do you think you'd be? I have not done much research on horses so I can not answer. https://media.tenor.com/Pd0ekjIoqYUAAAAC/horse-horse-shock.gif 13. Do you play any instruments? Hello no, I hate playing instruments. Musicians need to be whipped. Arrogant self centered string pluckers, air blowing, key pressing assholes. https://media.tenor.com/YiCSiAcKkVIAAAAC/whip-punish.gif 14. Do any martial arts? Shorin ryu and wing chun https://media.tenor.com/DO3x_M9wldwAAAAC/detective-conan-ran-mouri.gif 15. When was the last time you went on holiday? Touchy subject, do not want to talk about it 16. Would you consider yourself more empathetic or apathetic? Far too empathetic, wish I cared less but I'm meant to care. Caring sucks in an uncaring world https://media.tenor.com/NOHR6Zg97GYAAAAC/terminator-terminator-robot.gif 17. What was the most difficult job you've ever done? A bank teller, although I did well at the job it was stressful for me. https://media.tenor.com/v0FdTDR2IrcAAAAC/money-pet.gif 18. What's your favorite animal? Depends on my mood but it varies between foxes or cats https://media.tenor.com/rillElqytq8AAAAC/fox.gif https://media.tenor.com/Rnshvc3VavoAAAAC/funny-christine.gif 19. Do you have a favorite comic book character? The Phantom https://media.tenor.com/u1CEyXEcPkoAAAAC/billy-zane-the-phantom.gif 20. Do you get mad when someone calls anime cartoons? No, in Japan the term "anime" is used for animation in general. It's used for animation outside Japan aswell. In Watamote Tomoko refers to My little pony friendship is magic as "anime" https://media.tenor.com/CLkol7AjcO8AAAAC/mlp-rainbow-dash.gif
Ghost @kuharido To add context I actually love artists and musicians. I was just close to an artist/musician and we had some tough times but good times too. So I'm just unfairly critical of them cause I care too much.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying left a comment for yuuzora
Aug 08, 23 at 6:43pm
I hope you can come up with more fun questions soon. The thread is fun
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