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. @vezax
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. @vezax
That is such a weird username 0_0

Weaponized_Depression @weaponized_depression Is it tho? I've harnessed the power of depression. I'm unstoppable.
Games that made you emotional

Weaponized_Depression @weaponized_depression
commented on
Games that made you emotional
Weaponized_Depression @weaponized_depression

Doki Doki made me feel feelings.
League Of Legends

Weaponized_Depression @weaponized_depression
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League Of Legends
Weaponized_Depression @weaponized_depression
I feel bad for old Aatrox mains.
The only attachments I have are to Yi, Ekko, and Udyr.
Udyr could probably use a rework as long as it doesn't feel TOO different.
Jul 27-29
Jul 4-6
Jul 3-5
Jul 6-8