League Of Legends

jy_shawty @jy_shawty
League Of Legends
jy_shawty @jy_shawty
Anyone that plays and wants to play with yah boi. Holla at me (Hades Emperor is my name on there)
I plan to start live streaming on twitch to so yea look out for that lol.

weebian @weebian
commented on
League Of Legends
weebian @weebian
I play league, but lately I been playing Aram since the current meta is just too weird for me xD

jy_shawty @jy_shawty
commented on
League Of Legends
jy_shawty @jy_shawty
Lol I hear that I just started getting good at it lol

weebian @weebian
commented on
League Of Legends
weebian @weebian
Play aram so nobody knows you are bad in the current meta (-w-)/

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
commented on
League Of Legends
Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
I still play ranked, even with this meta. But I just spam Zyra <3 and I'm good. I'm cool with aram and normals.

jy_shawty @jy_shawty
commented on
League Of Legends
jy_shawty @jy_shawty
Normals be lit. Feel free to add me

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
commented on
League Of Legends
Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
-Friend Request Sent- Not sure if it was sent properly on the League app. The thing can be buggy at times. -Looks again on the app- Oh cool, it did :) Hopefully you're ok with a support main.

weebian @weebian
commented on
League Of Legends
weebian @weebian
I'm the type of person that plays rank till they hit gold 5 then stop xD
I'll add you guys later once I get home

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
commented on
League Of Legends
Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
No rush.
Gold 5 is a decent place to be. I keep grinding and climbing until they announce the end of season rewards. Then the trolls come out and you'll just start losing games. I should of stopped at G3, but I didn't listen to my own words :'(
What name should I be on the look out for? I like to keep everyone organized and how I met them. Conventions, other games, etc :)

weebian @weebian
commented on
League Of Legends
weebian @weebian
Since I'm always busy with stuff (more games and fooling around :P), I just aim for the free skin and border xD
pheonixsan is my old IGN
I'm too lazy to change it xD
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