Niknik @niknik
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Niknik @niknik
It was random haha. They are always put on a tough situation and that's what makes it even funnier XD

Niknik @niknik
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Niknik @niknik
Hahaha yes I think its summer there so they got a little crazy XD

ロイ @wallace614
ロイ @wallace614

Key @key17
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Key @key17
What a perverted mind you have then.

Niknik @niknik
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Niknik @niknik
Yes haha funniest show eva! You should watch season 1 :3

Niknik @niknik
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Niknik @niknik
Its from 1n2d season 1 haha :3

ロイ @wallace614
ロイ @wallace614
Just watched bake monogotari and I know it's not good but the thought of wanting to know if the other monogotari series are as shitier as this one comes to mind

Niknik @niknik
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Niknik @niknik
Thanks for the add! :3

fromtheashes @fromtheashes
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fromtheashes @fromtheashes
I was on there a few weeks ago. I'll still go on there every so often, but it'll depend on when I get home and such. My work schedule is simply not what it was back when I used to stay on until 6 AM.
I fill my time with too much anime too. XD

fromtheashes @fromtheashes
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fromtheashes @fromtheashes
lol. Work and other priorities happened. XD
I'm glad to be back. I definitely missed being here and chatting with you guys. :D
Jul 4-7
Jul 3-6
Jan 9-11
Jul 4-8