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18+ website membership?

Vallyen @vallyen
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18+ website membership?
Vallyen @vallyen
Well I'm 17 and really happy that I didn't have to be 18 to join, I personally absolutely hate it when a site does that. This is a dating site, why would you need to be 18 for it? Legal reasons? Well just try to find people your age, instead of limiting the options for younger people.
Dark Souls 3

Vallyen @vallyen
commented on
Dark Souls 3
Vallyen @vallyen
If DS 3 is anything like DS 1, I will be satisfied. I haven't played Demon's souls since it's only on ps 3, but i like Dark souls 1 much more than 2, the pvp of 2 is just frustrating. I have saved up for 6 months so i can buy a ps 4 just so I can play Bloodborne, and I have been doing that since the start of July, it was definitely worth it. I'm hoping that DS 3 will be on pc though, I want my free multiplayer.