Dark Souls 3

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Dark Souls 3
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Turns out there are some rumors, with some pretty realistic looking screen shots to back it up, Here's the video for anyone wanting to check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyRJ5u-L8qw

PixelBard @ez2oo2
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Dark Souls 3
PixelBard @ez2oo2
Can't get enough of the souls series!

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Dark Souls 3
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
this is my thread lol i want sun bro back TwT
tbh i cant wait to play ds3

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Dark Souls 3
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
I don't think we'll be getting the glorious sunbro back. But~, it's possible, Remember they said 15 NEW bosses, meaning there could be some older ones returning, Meaning there could be some npc's returning~.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Dark Souls 3
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Imagine a sun bro boss lmao XD (has crush on sun bro) nah he helped me out alot tbh and the man eater mildred sucked she wasn't much help fighting quelagg ng + smough and Ornstein are wrecking me ;-; but 15 bosses are alot lol in ds2 there were too many bosses literally every time i see a fog wall i panick i just pass through to see what kind of boss it is then homeward bone out of there....didint like the fact mobs could hit you out of homeward bone in ds2

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Dark Souls 3
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Yeah it's suppose to be the same amount of length as DS1, So you don't need to worry about that. Though what I'm most excited for are the sword arts(someone tell me I wasn't the only one that thought of SAO at that moment) and this unknown factor that changes bosses.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Dark Souls 3
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Sword art? Please tell me that boss soul weapons will actually be the strongest weapons rather than the item drops...black knight weapons were like the strongest there was other than the dragon thooth and stuff but i made a sword from sif the great grey wolf's soul and it was weaker than my black knight weapons

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Dark Souls 3
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Hmmm I rather they just be really good then just the best hahahaha. I mean we get alot of boss souls for weapons ya know. Though I'll admit Gwyns sword was disappointing after I learned my bks was better hahahaha.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Dark Souls 3
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Yeah i mean my bks ran up to 300 i think at a +5 black knights great sword was at 400 literally the strongest weapons of the game in ds2 i basically ran it straight halbeard i dont remember which one it was all i know is it had like a red handle i upgraded to +10 and rekt everyone even in pvp

Uninterested. @coffeelink
commented on
Dark Souls 3
Uninterested. @coffeelink
Ermahgerd! I can spam Dark magic and fat roll again! *Claps hands incredibly fast*
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