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Tri Tri <3

Last online about 6 years ago
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Sep 23, 16 at 1:09pm
Glad that you agree! XD Collecting is srs business A very cool sense of humor indeed! Ah I never got a chance to play Vesperia sadly. No 360 and I don't trust myself to mess with my ps3 so that I can have a translated version. Ah it's fine. I don't mind. Aside from Persona, I've played the Chrono games, much of the Final Fantasy Series. Shin Megami Tensei III and IV. The Lunar games, Pokemon if you count that xD. Xenoblade and X, Xenogears. Earthbound/Mother 2. So many I've played and loved!
Sep 23, 16 at 12:43pm
I'm fine. You?
Sep 23, 16 at 11:38am
I love kids, but they can be hellions xD. Yeah, it still sucks though that you have to do that on the weekend, it's supposed to be for relaxing and being lazy.
Sep 23, 16 at 11:03am
Yeah. I know the feeling, I haven't really been to sleep yet xD. Least it's Friday.
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Sep 23, 16 at 11:02am
Sounds good! I'll keep that in mind as well. Maybe check it out when I find myself bored. But I NEED it! I've been waiting for this! Oooh I see now. I getcha! Hey sarcasm is fun and also means that you have a sense of humor! But I am one! I'm just telling the truth! But I can relate to the whole person dislike/hating you thing. It's fine! Everyone has their own thoughts and ways of doing things!
Sep 23, 16 at 10:54am
It's nicecto meetcha too! I knew I had to add you when you said that you supported Gruvia!
Sep 23, 16 at 10:48am
Just working till the time comes to leave xD. No no you're fine! I didn't think you were lol.
Ceilno @forgottendream left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Sep 23, 16 at 10:47am
meehp ;-; i get it ive been there and mine too xD ur not alone and yuuush *^* i got a A in my english assignment too soo im satisfied cx and haha xD there has been those days eh i used to be like that too until i realized "shit this is important" and alright xd and thank uuuu so whats up
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Sep 23, 16 at 10:38am
Alright. I'll keep that in mind for later. But it's definitely not going to be before the game comes out. I WILL get the collector's edition of P5 even if it kills me! Do we really sound like assholes? I didn't get that impression from you. Fo I really look so bad? I mean yeah I'm not a good person but wow normally it takes a while before they realize. Someone here hates you? Ha ha no problem! You haven't wronged me in any way and you gave great taste in games so of course you are cool to me. Personally I don't really do the whole like thing myself. I'd rather my own words speak for themselves
Sep 23, 16 at 6:55am
I'm almost on my way out xD. I totally understand that too, I've been having a crazy time myself.