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Tri Tri <3

Last online about 6 years ago
Red @redhawk left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Sep 23, 16 at 1:05am
http://t07.deviantart.net/WsJS5aWkNDMC2eFZr0uqqzXB2Q4=/fit-in/300x900/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre05/80dd/th/pre/f/2015/039/b/1/jotaroa_by_madnessabe-d8h9o7m.png Goodnight tri
Okay I lied to a few people XD, i'll get back to MO in the morning its late. Good night. http://i.imgur.com/OwrgUvz.gif
VeZeal @axlex Sleep tight
Red @redhawk rest well
Red @redhawk left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Sep 23, 16 at 12:50am
Ah I see now. Yea I need to get better at cookin, I keep burning my food lol, you should make me something :3 Seeing how you say your an awesome cook :D Basics are important and http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/972/842/1aa.gif that's horrible
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Sep 23, 16 at 12:38am
Ah no no. I can't say that I was interested on the anime after playing the game. I mean Velvet's episodes are probably worth the experience, but I'll keep myself from being spoiled too much. True, true it is indeed but I've waited a long time for other games. Heck Persona 5 has been a long time coming and that's February. But thanks for not revealing spoilers. Ah ha ha so true. Wimps and weenies we be. But we be them together! Well yeah not everyone hates me but statistically someone has to. Besides most people are pretty nice here. Ah I'm sure you can do it! Just go for it! Like when you spoke up and added me! Did you? I guess I didn't really notice. Definitely less responses xD. But my memory is terrible anyway! My apologies. I just assumed you didn't want to be friends. Ooh not helping my case >.&lt; I need to know when to shut up. But that is very mature of you to try and work things out with others. It's cool! Oh yeah. Wise words. But you're definitely cool in my book!
Is Danganronpa Despair side out yet? That delay is truly annoying. Though I need sleep bad XD. https://67.media.tumblr.com/142fa4e678db3595ceefd008cd0d8519/tumblr_o70t1i93bc1vu9ir7o1_400.png
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Sep 22, 16 at 2:11pm
Ha ha! She certainly looks awesome I'll give you that. Trying to stay away from much info about her game so I won't gave too many expectations before the game is out. For english I mean. Hey you're doing better than I am! I've added 0 people myself, it has always been others who have added me first. So you're definitely not alone in the shyness department. >.&lt; Hope you can add those other people as well soon! I appreciate you overcoming your anxieties to reach out to me. I was actually thinking that you didn't like me. But I can see that it is not the case ^_^ Ha ha! No, thank you!
Ceilno @forgottendream left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Sep 22, 16 at 1:25pm
hiiii^^ its been a while, how you been? and ive been good thank you cx some ups and down ofc but thats to be expected i got happy since i got a B in history *^* https://66.media.tumblr.com/49a21e182fcdfb3e96cc9d9421f8ee3f/tumblr_mkmipvUcxH1s9s0bdo1_500.gif
Sep 22, 16 at 1:10pm
Tri! Oh me gee! I'm good! How've you been? I missed you! http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/sailormoon/images/3/30/Squee.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140821235454
Well I really like most Shonen and Shoujo anime. Gaming wise I love RPGS mostly and you?
Red @redhawk left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Sep 21, 16 at 5:39pm
Thats awesome, I need to take a culinary course once I go back. A fun instructor makes class better :D Lol I know the feeling haha