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hayate2013 @hayate2013
left a comment for
Shinobu sensui
hayate2013 @hayate2013
you welcome so how was your day been so far

sinnamon @sinnamon
left a comment for
Shinobu sensui
sinnamon @sinnamon
I was going to post new pictures but I got super lazy logging onto the PC ;3; So I'll be the creepy girl that adds ppl with no photo for now :p any luck with you? Xp

Shinobu sensui @toutaku
Shinobu sensui @toutaku
Any Lolita's out there? ^^

Shinobu sensui @toutaku
commented on
Shinobu sensui @toutaku
Welcome to the bananza!
female otaku: i will travel to you!!

Shinobu sensui @toutaku
commented on
female otaku: i will travel to you!!
Shinobu sensui @toutaku
Haha well put