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torgor67 @torgor67
torgor67 @torgor67
Life can be sooo boring. I wish my life was more exciting.

torgor67 @torgor67
torgor67 @torgor67
Just another day going by...

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio another day, another chance

torgor67 @torgor67
torgor67 @torgor67
Hello please feel free to message me!
Describe Your Ideal Person

torgor67 @torgor67
commented on
Describe Your Ideal Person
torgor67 @torgor67
Someone who is nice and caring and has a motherly vibe to them. Also they are obsessive about me and wants to know every detail about me they can while giving me attention. Just in general somebody supportive of me and is interested in me.
Secret levels anybody?

torgor67 @torgor67
commented on
Secret levels anybody?
torgor67 @torgor67
Yep cow level counts I would say though I've never actually played but have seen it on loads of top 10 lists.