l33thull @l33thull
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That Uke
l33thull @l33thull
U-um, hello!

galactic @galactic
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That Uke
galactic @galactic

michaeledmunds @michaeledmunds
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That Uke
michaeledmunds @michaeledmunds
Hi! I'm new here. Wanna chat? :3

Neverland @dakoya
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That Uke
Neverland @dakoya
Good day m8, no croc catches today mean no leather shoes for you. On a more serious note, do you know the tv show Arthur? (he's an aardvark)

ConceptSama @conceptsama
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That Uke
ConceptSama @conceptsama
Nice! the lower the percent the more intrigued i am

Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
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That Uke
Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
Hey, what's up?

Akihiko @akihiko
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That Uke
Akihiko @akihiko
Worth it for me. He traded me that card for something generic like blue-eyes from the Kaiba starter deck( had 2 kaiba and 1 yugi at that time). I then traded that card for a Tyrant dragon(dope as fuck, can attack twice under the right conditions, GG, don't believe me? look it up and be amazed!) as well as some dragon type cards because they are the shit. The god card looked fake as shit anyways. Mio is my girl~ Solid choice! I'm a sucker for preordering video games now. Anything RPG related I'm done. (Help me Uke. HELP ME.)

Akihiko @akihiko
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That Uke
Akihiko @akihiko
He's so happy to be out and in a new home now. He shows it so vividly. LOL.
I went broke playing Yu-gi-oh, my cousin paid 50 bucks for Ra the Egyptian god card.
^o^ Mhmmm! No idea where to start but I'll figure something out.

Akihiko @akihiko
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That Uke
Akihiko @akihiko
That's awesome! >.< I don't own a single figure.
Top right corner, that guy looks like he's yelling out "Annnnnd....jazz hands~!"
If and when I start building my collection I will show you.

Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
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That Uke
Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
Thanks! Same to you too! I hope your holidays were good