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Deactivated @blazxeee
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Deactivated @blazxeee
ahh can we be friends

synthwaveterror @synthwaveterror Sure. Sorry for disregarding the friend request... I am a little nervous around new people and kinda chickened out for a moment.

synthwaveterror @synthwaveterror
synthwaveterror @synthwaveterror
Very timid/shy around people at first. Please know that it will take a bit before I open up freely to anyone.

synthwaveterror @synthwaveterror
synthwaveterror @synthwaveterror
Searching for a friend first. Relationships later.
I need a good solid friendship before even considering dating or anything.
Otherwise, I am open almost at any time to talk.
Nov 22-24
Mar 7-8
May 14-15