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39 year old Male
Last online about 1 year ago
Jul 14, 13 at 10:36pm
Have fun!
Hai yea I have been talking to ur friend he is pretty chill X. I'am good just laying down at the moment resting from going out on my Aunts boat X)
Jul 14, 13 at 10:28pm
Oh I love it! That's really cool that you can do that. I hope you come out of that hiatus soon. On the other hand, it makes me sad that you feel that way.
Oh yes. Please do!
Yeah, rock mostly. But I like a little bit of it all even country. Haha. Why'd you stop rapping?
Your Best Buy still sells anime? Cause the one here doesn't. There's nowhere to get it locally. Your mom was in the Navy? That's pretty cool. My dad was in the Airforce. Hmm...music. I like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alice In Chains, and Guns & Roses to name a few. I really like dubstep and instrumental music too. What kind of music do you like?
If you haven't grown out of it by now you most likely won't. I know I won't. I come by my geekyness naturally. My parents are both SciFi geeks. But like, who would want to grow out of it? I really feel bad for people that don't have anything they're passionate about. And yes, I'm getting my gen eds out of the way. You don't bother me in the least with your questions. Keep 'em coming if that's what you wanna do. I've traveled a great deal and have lived in lots of different places. I moved to KY from CA not long ago. I've been to MN several times too. I've got friends there actually.
Not as easy as you might think actually. College helps me to meet people but no one likes the same stuff that I do. Unless they're like 12. Haha. KY has been good to me though. People are friendly enough. I just don't see the world the way most of them do. That's why I'm here. To meet friends that have the same interests and maybe find someone that appreciates their geeky girl. Haha. And alright, I hope you have a pleasant nap :)
Titan @titan left a comment for stand_alone_complex
Jul 14, 13 at 4:32pm
whats up
They say I must kill before I can feel safe but I would rather kill myself before I turn into their slave.