Yuni @yukiro00
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Yuni @yukiro00
thanks and same for you

re_aper @re_aper
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re_aper @re_aper
Its no biggie :3 thanks for accepting :3

AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
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AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
Just random :)

AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
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AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
I'm doing great!! Just relaxing watching youtube :)

AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
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AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
Good to meet you too man!! How are you? ≧◡≦

Nethlight @nethlight
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Nethlight @nethlight
Thanks, dude! I hope you had a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! ^_^

queenalle @queenalle
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queenalle @queenalle
No problem, it's not that I didn't want want to reply to your message it's just that I took a break from this sight for a bit and forgot to get back to you, sorry!
Thank you, happy new years to you to ^^

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
I got some cards, Vash, my dog, got some dog treats... that's about it.

queenalle @queenalle
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queenalle @queenalle
Thank you, I wish you luck in the new year to! Sorry I never replied to your message, I'm a really forgetful person -.-

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
No problem. I didn't want to be a tightass and correct you. It's not that serious. Most people don't even know that Kwanzaa exist. And I'm not gonna do the whole "educate you on my belief" thing either. You got google. Look it up. (Not directing that at you, that's just how I feel in general)
anyway, on a more casual and friendly note, what DID you get for xmas?