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28 year old Male
Last online about 1 hour ago
Pasadena, TX
Red @redhawk left a comment for SnakeePoo
Dec 15, 17 at 10:09pm
Red @redhawk AH! IT'S BIG GREEN!
This account has been suspended.
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar scratch that, i dont have time to post the update about the ACLU or Pokemon go
ロイ @wallace614 We are fuxked
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar how? were we fuxked back before 2015? nothing has changed. the FCC still chases after companies that unfairly treat customers or blocks content just like before 2015...
GUYS! THIS IS URGENT! Today congress in D.C. is voting to get rid of net neutrality, and our internet freedom! This means we have to pay more money to use internet. $5 a month to even use this site right here!!!! ! $6 a month to play online games added on to your normal Wi-Fi bill!!!!!! $6 a month to use social media!!!!!! INCLUDING ANIME, READING MANGA ONLINE, AND PLAYING VIDEO GAMES ONLINE!!!! TEXT "RESIST" TO 50409 RIGHT NOW TO HELP MAKE A LETTER TO CONGRESS RESISTING THIS VOTE! GET INTO CONTACT WITH YOUR U.S. CONGRESS REPRESENTATIVE TODAY!
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar you know that's ENTIRELY up to the Internet Service Providers to offer the internet in a bundled deal. if any ISM tries that, then its OBVIOUSLY going to get them backlash, boycott and a loss of customers. Most of the reasons they wanted to remove the classification of it as a telecommunication service is because NETFLIX didn't want to pay COMCAST for more Bandwidth. BEFORE 2015 (when Net Neutrality was established), any time a Internet Service Provider stepped out of line, the FCC Filed a lawsuit or pressed for charges to STOP unfair practices with the internet. basically gutting net neutrality MEANS we go back to the system we had in 2014. Back in 2014 did we have packaged bundled deals for the internet? No, we didnt. we got the same speeds and pricing that we have now. only thing different is that they are not paying for a One Size Fits All Bandwidth. You used to have to pay more to get more bandwidth (meaning THE COMPANY HAD TO INSTALL MORE INFRASTRUCTURE, i.e. WIRES and BOXES) Classifying it as a Telecommunication Service MEANS more expensive permits and regulations that would prevent smaller businesses from setting up T5 lines, Fiber internet connections, Wireless Relayed internet and the like because the start up costs would be MUCH Higher. Most of the information spread around is fear mongering at best. As before net Neutrality, the FCC had taken on Verizon, Comcast, AT&T, and enforced equal protections, and to fine and take them to court when they stepped out of line...
ロイ @wallace614 We are fucked in the long run
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar how? i dont recall having blocked content, paying more than i do now or having tiered internet back before 2015 when they reclassified and regulated the internet...
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar and i dont see how signing up for a mailing list so they can collect my money and sell my email address and phone number is going to help for any cause...
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Sorry for not replying sooner. Had to go talk to the highschoolers again about the merchant mariners and my union as a career choice. I see your points Daggerfella, and I can understand how it may not be an end of the world. However it still is really inconvenient this happening and adapting.
Red @redhawk left a comment for SnakeePoo
Dec 13, 17 at 11:06pm
Red @redhawk left a comment for SnakeePoo
Dec 13, 17 at 8:46pm
Red @redhawk left a comment for SnakeePoo
Dec 13, 17 at 7:46pm
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Ultra instinct Shaggy is the MVP of universe 7
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for SnakeePoo
Dec 11, 17 at 9:06pm
Oh can I join this Vegeta party? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXEHVuTAcNg
XD Thanks dude. That did make me feel better.
I'm fine everyone don't worry. Not that anyone asked me. (Excluding 2 people) There needs to be a middle finger emoji sometimes.
Dec 06, 17 at 12:45am
^_^ Glad you are feeling better! >:D And that's cool you been working out. I've been fine. But I see you still remember me best as Nano XD Which is really nice of you. Just reminds me of how long we've been friends. I've been staying in contact with Panda for 3 years now and you come in second place with how long I've been continuing a friendship with on here. Haven't been too many new things going on in my life really. Just waiting for Christmas to come so I can take a surprise pic of Santa to prove he's real... >.> Then tell em 'That's for giving me crappy presents as a child! lol j/k