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chaos1990 @chaos1990
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chaos1990 @chaos1990
Hello there how are you? love the pictures you have up. was wondering if you would like to talk sometime.

Ashiyama @ashiyama
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Ashiyama @ashiyama
Guten tag. How are you?

junokami @junokami
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junokami @junokami
ello...if u ever decide to get back online drop me a line ya?
Japanese Language

Skwerl1016 @skwerl1016
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Japanese Language
Skwerl1016 @skwerl1016
My high school didn't have Japanese as a second language option, so I got My Japanese Coach for the DS and studied on my own for 2 years. I also got a hand-me-down Nakama 1 book that is used at the University of Iowa, and I studied that as well. I am currently in my second year of Japanese study at Augustana College in Rock Island, IL.
I visited Japan for the first time this last fall, and now I'm a lot better at reading and writing katakana and i'm definitely more comfortable speaking to Japanese people :)