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Those Actively Looking

Ashiyama @ashiyama
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Those Actively Looking
Ashiyama @ashiyama
Seems like a good thread. I like the idea. 28/m/WI here. I'll pop in and out of here now and then to see what's up. Peace!
Video Game/Anime Poetry

Ashiyama @ashiyama
commented on
Video Game/Anime Poetry
Ashiyama @ashiyama
"If Life Were an Anime"
If life were an anime
I'd have nothing to say
But preach Love And Peace!
If life were an anime
I'd stare at cute girls all day
Cause it'd be okay with the police
I'd save the world in a super-giant mecha
I'd be a great big hero everyone wants me to be
Or some puny emo kid who always whines
Or maybe that one guy who doesn't get any lines
I'd have no trouble any night finding a date
I'd be a suave sophisticated gentleman
Or some nerdy geek getting rejected in the end
Or maybe that one guy who dates a childhood friend
I'd be able to withstand bullets and explosions
I'd be chased by lots of girls all around town
Or some rugged old villain with a broken heart
Or maybe that one guy who dies without playing his part
If life were an anime
I'd have nothing say
But preach Love And Peace!
If life were an anime
I'd stare at cute girls all day
But that ain't the case
©2011 AJ Oatsvall