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Cid @tylor
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Cid @tylor
Hello miss hows things going?

Cid @tylor
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Cid @tylor
check you in box :)

crimson_drakenya @crimson_drakenya
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crimson_drakenya @crimson_drakenya
Well then you are on epic artist :)
It took me an hour to make this topic

sirrae73 @sirrae73
commented on
It took me an hour to make this topic
sirrae73 @sirrae73
Excellent point about the bridge x) never thought of that
HOWEVER, the correct way to present an aurgument ( or in this case, a research paper) one would present both sides of the team, list individual pros and cons , compare, and state a final verdict.
So I was referring to the number of pages it would take to write Picard's part of said paper :)
( I probably should of made that clearer, sorry ^^")
And, no, at the moment I don't have accsess to transportation to get around, not untill few more weeks anyway.
Hi New Potential Friends :D

sirrae73 @sirrae73
commented on
Hi New Potential Friends :D
sirrae73 @sirrae73
*draws xingthecrow a face* :) *tapes to nub on shoulders*