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Poems from troubled hearts

sess @sess
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Poems from troubled hearts
sess @sess
I love you,
Can I have your heart?
When I think you you,
Mine falls Apart.
On every night,
I dance in the dark,
Asking how I might,
Douse this spark,
Ever since the start,
Your halcyon words,
Shown me my part,
Fly south with the birds,
Summer dreams,
Die with the fall,
And it seems,
I'll lose them all,
A moments so long,
Can it hurt to ask?
To spend it along,
Lets open a cask,
Tonight will not last,
Can I hold your hand?
I'll be over so fast,
Just me, alone in the sand.
Poems from troubled hearts

sess @sess
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Poems from troubled hearts
sess @sess
Your lips, lovely girl, the sweetest reward in this world,
I'm in a daze, wanna throw myself as close to you as can be hurled,
Deslolate dreams, dessert for dreary day,
Wake up and look around, no one this way,
This side empty as well, a waking delusion,
Then wake up to a such lovely illusion,
But then she fades into ash,
Pain worse than a sharp whips lash,
Then to sleep, to wake again,
Look in the mirror, see where I've been,
Tormented by shadows, a blue eye gleams.
Falling in love sure ain't what it seems,
Unless you can drop the pain of a broken heart,
Of longing for your lover when your apart,
Never feel the tear of losing some of your heart,
Before fate throws them asunder, where they will stay apart,
For they must know that lovers part,
Know that from the very start,
What cuts deeper, what cut or gash,
Than to see something you just came to love, fade, into ash...