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GIF War yeahhh!!

Rokudo Li Xingke @rokudolixingke
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GIF War yeahhh!!
Rokudo Li Xingke @rokudolixingke
Leader of the Naruto Team

Rokudo Li Xingke @rokudolixingke
Leader of the Naruto Team
Rokudo Li Xingke @rokudolixingke
Hello all ninja's and commanders!^^ I am new to this site and may need some help to some thing's, me and my team helps people in need. We help homeless people and sound for the police when we see bad guy's or we try to stop them, while we do that we cosplay as Akatsuki. Well if you want to know more you can hit me up and add me and i'll tell you some awesome stuff.^^ Well it's a pleasure to meet you all.