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squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
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squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Ok. I'll bite. I suspect this is a honey pot by some corporation to lure thirsty men in for some data harvesting. I base this statement on absolutely nothing.
This. This is the cringe I will introduce myself with. xD

EL GATA @salvodorian_mommy
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EL GATA @salvodorian_mommy

wat da fack mam'm Do YoU nEeD sUm BlEaCh FoR tHeM eYeS cUz I tHiNk YoU dO fOr SuRe

MegaMemberMikeyV @micromembermikey
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MegaMemberMikeyV @micromembermikey
The thirst on display here is spectacular.
If this profile was a room, it would be covered in a gross dried crust.
Yeet and sneed.