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danielson @danielson
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danielson @danielson
U should go to anime expo in la it's fun and I go every year I don't have the courage yet to cosplay but I really would love to one day I love anime and I would to talk about any anime with u if u want

VanillaSalt @vanillasalt
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VanillaSalt @vanillasalt
because you like the horror genre i highly recommend high school of the dead... the case pic turned me off it for the longest time looked like some kinda ecchi with zombies but its super awesome... it was like watching a movie turned anime lol
also if u liked clannad try zero no tsukaima(the familiar of zero)... its pretty good the first 2 seasons season 3 was allll about ecchi with no story and 4 was rushed but cant half finish it...
add me if ure interested in talking about others :D

Ghost @kuharido
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Ghost @kuharido
Welcome to the site hope you have fun.