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Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
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Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
Thanks for the request! Hope your day was good!

renan_souza1995 @renan_souza1995
renan_souza1995 @renan_souza1995
Happy New Year!

renan_souza1995 @renan_souza1995
renan_souza1995 @renan_souza1995
Yes, Planetarian and Paripi Koumei are the hidden gems, few people talk about these great animes.
(I cried watching Planetarian).
I have never watched Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song, thanks for the recommendation. i don't have plans to watch any airing animes next season, so I may try this anime next month.
Like you, I've never been married, don't have kids, don't smoke nor drink, no body art, no piercings. I work as a Computer Engineer and I live in a city 50 km from São Paulo, Brazil. And you, which city do you live?

Argent @argent4
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Argent @argent4
I'd love to be friends!
I see you like Paripi Koumei and Planetarian, are these the hidden gems? Both are very good story-wise, it's a bit of a shame they aren't more popular. By the way, have you seen Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song? I think you would like it.
I do have Discord, but I would like to talk a bit before adding you, hope you don't mind.