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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio left a comment for Argent
Yesterday at 11:12am
nmmsss que eres de mexico al chile cuidado con los weyes de aqui jsjs pero bienvenida , siempre es bueno ver a un mexicano soy mod asi que cualquier pdo tiro paro
ロイ @wallace614 left a comment for Argent
Yesterday at 2:33am
De que parte de México eres ?
Haku @haku left a comment for Argent
Jun 05, 24 at 6:07pm
hey! and thank you for the friend request! i could use some more friends!
Argent @argent4 Hey, no problem! Yeah, I am pretty much the same, making friends is really tough. I hope we get along!
Haku @haku Why is that I feel like most people now a days has that problem of making friends. And believe me I am one of them.
Argent @argent4 Yeah, it seems to have become a more prevalent problem. Maybe it has to do with how it's easier to get lost in hobbies and lose contact with society as a whole. I hope things get better for you, having people around to share things makes everything more enjoyable. Is there anything you've been watching or playing lately? Also, sorry for the delayed reply, I was out of the city for a few days.
Haku @haku Don't apologize life gets busy that's just part of life I guess. I don't even get on here every single day myself. Let's see lately I found a few good games on steam so I have been playing a few different ones. Planet crafter, shadows of doubt, and space engineers. All really good games in there own way. And let's see I have been watching Brooklyn nine-nine on Netflix. What about you? What have you been playing amd watching?
Argent @argent4 I haven't played any of the games you mentioned, but I did watch a few streams about Shadows of Doubt, it seems promising and the aesthetic is great. Right now, I'm mostly playing Unicorn Overlord and revisiting the Ys games. As for anime and series, I'm not watching much, I'm about to finish Dungeon Meshi, and I've just started season 4 of The Boys.
Haku @haku Cool alot of new ones I haven't heard of myself. I wish I had more time in life to really just sit down and dedicate to watch shows but sadly I can't right now. Actually the reason I'm playing shadow of doubt is because of someone on this website right now and it's kind of addictive even though I'm really bad at it. And I've never heard of unicorn overlord now I have to look that up too!
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