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30 year old Male
Last online almost 5 years ago
Yess highfive!! :D Green tea kit Kat is my favorite but want try the other kind of pocky~ It's also quite cold here, caught a horrible cold but feeling much better ^_^ in all my day has been fun playing so many games with people on twitch
Jan 10, 15 at 5:03pm
I dont care for public transportation, i prefer independent transportation. Driving. I hope you dont let people use you just for a ride. I don't have a wii-u, you can hook it up to the tv for a bigger screen view, am i right? Unfortunately the newest console i have is the PS3. Oldest one being the N64. lol
Jan 10, 15 at 3:49pm
I see lol, so your the only friend that knows hows to drive? or did i see that wrong? Super smash bros, i dont think you'd be talking about the old one on gamecube lol
Hello! (>3<)/ strawberry pocky is mah favorite! how is your day going? c:
katxion @katxion left a comment for rawrriceball
Jan 10, 15 at 8:59am
I played abit of Blazblue but not much anymore.
Jan 10, 15 at 12:14am
All your friends live far away from you? Do you mean as in another state? Under 10 degrees is cold. Well when you go back to college you'll get to see them again..
Jan 09, 15 at 11:39pm
What? lol, why would i open up the windows when it's cold outside. I was just meaning that I'm a hot nature person. I like cool weather like fall. I shoulda been more specific there. Anxious on going back to school, eh? college i suppose? What for?
Jan 09, 15 at 11:13pm
not late at all! Yes it's cold! I like colder as opposed to hot. Anyway I"m alright. What about you?
Jan 09, 15 at 11:05pm
Jan 02, 15 at 5:19pm
I dooo, I use pikachu hbu? and yup I do x)
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