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30 year old Male
Last online almost 5 years ago
nm ^^ just waiting for a cosplay wig to come and my cosplay... ^^ but they come next week >_<
Hi ^^
I suppose you're right. Kids are brutal. XD Chorus wasn't even an option for me because I do not like singing in front of people. I can't pick a favorite piece! I love so much of his work, both from a playing and listening standpoint. Although I do really like Ni no Kuni's theme too. I forgot about a few games! I used to play Runescape when it was really popular. I'm also a master at Guitar Hero! XD That's cool though. I think rpg's are awesome, I just don't have time to get addicted to one! I'd love to Skype! But I've never done it before so I'll have to learn how. :)
blackmage @blackmage left a comment for rawrriceball
Nov 21, 13 at 3:24am
True, I made some threads but its rare people answer.. lol (⌒_⌒;)
At my middle school, if you joined band then you were considered a nerd. Being eleven, that actually mattered to me. I loved music and my mom knew that so she made me take band; I'm grateful she did. I had wanted to try out for the flute although percussion was my first choice, but I couldn't even get a sound to come out. So percussion it was. :P I actually started learning it not too long ago! So yeah, I'll be able to play it soon. You'll have to buy me a ring first! XD So I take it you like Joe Hisaishi? What's your favorite piece by him? I just started learning to play the guitar about a year ago. I plan on going into music therapy and I needed to be able to play the guitar for it. I haven't played too many video games; mainly Kingdom Hearts, Portal, and Minecraft. Also WiiSports, but it probably doesn't count. :P So what video games do you like? I'll probably listen to those songs soon. I really like this band, they have an intriguing sound. I hope I'm not bothering you with all my questions, you're just really interesting. :)
io @rinriin left a comment for rawrriceball
Nov 20, 13 at 8:41pm
game of thrones isn't that long imo. it's three seasons so far, with 10 eps each. they're an hour long each. but aaaahhhhhh it's so so SO good you won't even notice the time go by! how's it going? anything exciting happen in your life lately? i'm curious, who are some of your favorite characters?
Reminds me of my old gym teacher though, rofl <u<
She's pretty loopy ovo Ishimaru scares me more though. Holy shit.
Ah :D I tend to like the psycho type of anime characters so I think Genocider is hilarious but...a little creepy, yeah ^^;
My mom had to force me to do band. I wanted to take art like all of the 'cool' sixth graders. I thought it would be interesting to play the trumpet, but I can't even properly blow a whistle. XD Did you actually get to play it? I love playing the piano. It's hard to explain, but it just feels natural to me and I go to a different place when playing it, especially when I play anything by Joe Hisaishi or Ludovico Einaudi. So how long have you been playing the guitar? The songs I listened to were Runner's High, Beautiful Morning With You, Funny Bunny, and two that were in katakana so I couldn't read them, but I think one was called Scarecrow. What are your favorite songs by them? :)
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