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30 year old Male
Last online almost 5 years ago
That's awesome that you got to start so early! I started percussion in sixth grade. The Pillows did seem really cool. :) My piano fingering has never been the best, much to my professor's dismay. I intend to eventually watch Doctor Who also, but I don't see that happening anywhere in the near future. :P
Aku Akane @akuakane left a comment for rawrriceball
Nov 20, 13 at 3:46pm
Hey and thanks for welcoming me! Yeah, I really hope I'll find someone eventually too. Good luck to you on finding someone as well if you haven't yet :P
Hi ^^ I love meeting other fans of Dangan ronpa :D who's your favorite character?
Some of their songs are purely rock, while others are pop rock, so I guess you could say they are a pop rock band. At least they were; their newest album sounded purely pop to me. It's never to late to learn to play the piano! Having a musical background would definitely help too. I listened to The Pillows this morning and I see what you mean about the similarity to the Beatles. There was definitely a Beatles vibe going on. I'll probably eventually watch Breaking Bad, I just have too many shows to watch!
April Moon @iapril left a comment for rawrriceball
Nov 20, 13 at 10:32am
Ikr :D Me too! That girl is literally like me in rl xD I never thought I'd find my alike character but I did~ Not sure if I should be happy or sad about that though. 'xD
blackmage @blackmage left a comment for rawrriceball
Nov 20, 13 at 10:13am
Are you sure about that lol? I think there would be some people..
It was 30 Seconds To Mars. There was something about the lyrics and the way they played that just got to me. The Kill is still one of my favorite songs. But their last album is a complete departure from that. It's not bad, but it's just not what I wanted to hear from them. My dad would listen to Queen in the car when I was a kid, so I've been exposed to Queen for a while. I think they were very innovative and clever. I didn't know he made it from scratch though, that's amazing! I didn't like The GazettE's new single either, but I really like the rest of the album. I'll have to try listening to The Pillows! I love playing the marimba, probably because it's so similar to a piano. :D I've yet to see Breaking Bad, but my friends tell me that it's really good. Is it really binge-worthy?
I don't really have a favorite American band anymore. I used to, but then the band changed styles. I do really like Queen though. As my profile mentions, I really like The GazettE, but I also like SID and Dir En Grey. I've never heard of The Pillows though. So since you play percussion, what is your favorite percussion instrument? By the way, if you ever want to talk about The Walking Dead, I'm your girl. :)
Hey, it's very nice to meet you, Jon! Everything is great, I'm just busy with college! How are you? That's awesome that you like the same type of music as me, I thought it was odd to like two very opposite genres. I've never really listened to EDM, but it's not something I would rule out. Do you have a favorite band? From your profile, you sound very funny!
blackmage @blackmage left a comment for rawrriceball
Nov 19, 13 at 4:56am
Ye because GW2 offered a great story through your leveling! :)Well still looking for people rp with! I really love to live myself into the game xD the same reason I love pokemon and GW xD Yeah its great people gather around and help each other instead only quest all day and do nothing beside that. Ya I agree we need Fates for dating! but then again you could always start it here in this forum lol!
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