oddmanout666 @oddmanout666
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
oddmanout666 @oddmanout666
Tired but good
Still getting used to my new place

oddmanout666 @oddmanout666
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
oddmanout666 @oddmanout666
Hello how are you?

NemesisOmega @nemesisomega
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
NemesisOmega @nemesisomega
Greetings. Nice to meet you! How are you?

zerodarkangel @zerodarkangel
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
zerodarkangel @zerodarkangel
Nice to meet you!

zerodarkangel @zerodarkangel
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
zerodarkangel @zerodarkangel

kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
No problem its nice to meet you as well

kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
Hey there thanks for the friend request its nice to meet you :)

Nethlight @nethlight
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
Nethlight @nethlight
Glad to hear it! :)

Nethlight @nethlight
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
Nethlight @nethlight
Hello ravenjones! I'm a friend of Bryan's. Seen him online, so I thought I'd leave him a bro fist. I also left one on his page.
How are you, and how are you enjoying MaiOtaku so far? ^_^

Nethlight @nethlight
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
Nethlight @nethlight
-Sneaks into ravenjones profile page, and bro fists Bryan hello.- :D
Sep 30-Oct 2
Sep 28-30
Apr 13-14
Sep 26-28