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xcelestialxwingsx @xcelestialxwingsx
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xcelestialxwingsx @xcelestialxwingsx
Hi :)

sumomo220 @sumomo220
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sumomo220 @sumomo220

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
yeah :D don't spoil it for me though XD! iv only seen the beginning!
Need otaku to love! (sacramento, CA)

ramxcus @ramxcus
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Need otaku to love! (sacramento, CA)
ramxcus @ramxcus
Lovey dicey??? I couldn't be more confused.
Need otaku to love! (sacramento, CA)

ramxcus @ramxcus
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Need otaku to love! (sacramento, CA)
ramxcus @ramxcus
Hey! I've been looking for the past 4 years with no luck. . . Don't make fun of me, I'll cry. . . *sobs quietly*