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Xasoraen (kacey) @sailehallow
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Xasoraen (kacey) @sailehallow
Yeah I came across TenjhoTenge when I was 15 I think. It came on my tv on an anime network channel and I adored it. :) and hello
Thanks for adding me. And great anime list.
Girls Asking Out Guys?

outlawstarfan23 @outlawstarfan23
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Girls Asking Out Guys?
outlawstarfan23 @outlawstarfan23
I dont' think it should matter if the girl ask the guy first or vice-versa. It all comes down to whether or not you like a person , now i know there are shy people out there myself included ,but The best things in life happen when you put all of your fears aside and take a chance you might surprise yourself.
why do guys only like girl with big butt??

outlawstarfan23 @outlawstarfan23
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why do guys only like girl with big butt??
outlawstarfan23 @outlawstarfan23
Short women with a nice round booty is not so bad me personally like I like women with both booty and chest. everyone's taste is different ,but to say that they wouldn't date a girl because her butt is small is dumb.