nyjachan @nyjachan
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The King Nuro
nyjachan @nyjachan
haha, maybe I don't really see the appeal since I'm used to seeing it, but I guess it's nice here

nyjachan @nyjachan
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The King Nuro
nyjachan @nyjachan
Yeah, I'm from Almere:D Yeah the town is pretty nice. Oehh, Oriental has some delicious stuff in there:D

nyjachan @nyjachan
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The King Nuro
nyjachan @nyjachan
Ah, no, it's not online. It's published so you have to buy it if you want to read it. I'll give you the link, so you can check it out:D

nyjachan @nyjachan
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The King Nuro
nyjachan @nyjachan
Yeah, I did:D It's called 'From a different world'

princess_lily @princess_lily
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The King Nuro
princess_lily @princess_lily
sounds like a plan! XD
sure do! traveling is F U N! Seems like an adventure! (hears adventure time adventure time voices.haha! )
Me too, i also like/love to see new places and beautiful sceneries.. Thats y i <3 my job..hAchoooo.xD *no brag intended*
YOLO* ne? C:
been to Japan, and it was beautiful! Twas kinda no-so "animeyieness" (but ders certain places that spells Animeland) but still its Japan, Japan! lols..
owo r-really??!
(kinda made me google, The Netherlands")
*jaw drops*
LOOK at this! ItsbeaUtiful o:

princess_lily @princess_lily
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The King Nuro
princess_lily @princess_lily
My, thank you sir nuro0o!
WAHAHAHA XD YEAH.. horae for the rice fields! *laughs* so far i find it fine, C: mostly you'd see such fields in provinces and ders pLenty of greenies mind you,,and cows and cats and dogs along da way..XD AND OH! banana trees! hahaha
its very homey C:
but mostly im in da City.. traffic's a pain though.. =_= though mostly the people r kind and fine..C:
and yes, the waters beautiful! <3 esp.in those not so commercialized shores..

Ramen @rramen24
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The King Nuro
Ramen @rramen24
Hello nuro <:D thank you for the welcome. I'm good, and you?

tomato @tomato
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The King Nuro
tomato @tomato
I am doing well, I joined because I have a lot of people anxiety to be honest and would really just like someone to talk to that have similar interests as me. I love games my all time favorite game is actually FFIX, I am mostly an rpg person but I do enjoy shooters sometimes and simulation games. Currently I am watching Magic Kaito and it only has one season.

ValgLoveAnime @valdirloveanime
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The King Nuro
ValgLoveAnime @valdirloveanime
Hi add me i'm new!

myuni @myuni
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The King Nuro
myuni @myuni
I like it very much :D It's really funny :D