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Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
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Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
Okay well, my Facebook is William Tyler Dewart and my Skype name is sonicboom2.0

Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
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Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
WE can chat somewhere else if you'd like, I have a Skype and Facebook. But no pressure we can stay here if you'd like. :)

Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
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Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
Sure, become best friends :D
Otaku-Friends searched

nikoru @nikoru
Otaku-Friends searched
nikoru @nikoru
Hi :D I'm searching for some Otaku-Friends (and guess that should be the right place for that)...some friends to talk about animes/mangas but especially also to talk about stuff in general would be really nice..^.^