Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Neo Queen Serenity
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Hello my baby! Mama missed you too https://media.tenor.com/oSPZDjEf9vQAAAAM/anime-hug-anime-hugging.gif

gintoki_sakata @gintoki_sakata
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Neo Queen Serenity
gintoki_sakata @gintoki_sakata
are you there?

Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29 Yeah. I’m here. What’s up?

wanderingswordsman1 @wanderingswordsman1
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Neo Queen Serenity
wanderingswordsman1 @wanderingswordsman1
Oh sweet! I see Castle in the Sky in your favorites. That's my favorite all time Ghibi movie~

koda491 @koda491
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Neo Queen Serenity
koda491 @koda491
Yo what’s up

Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29 Nothing much. How about you?

Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29
Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29
Knowing my luck the man of my dreams is probably just out of reach, betrothed to another. Bonus points if you know what movie this is from.

shadow_gundam10 @shadow_gundam10
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Neo Queen Serenity
shadow_gundam10 @shadow_gundam10
Hello there I would like to chat and get to know you

Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29
Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29
Sometimes I don’t know why I rejoined this site again. On Valentine’s Day I got dumped by someone I was talking to from here. Maybe I’m just cursed with bad luck when it comes to love.

Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29
Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29
I’m feeling kinda lonely tonight. :(

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
left a comment for
Neo Queen Serenity
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Good morning my baby. I heard from a good friend of mine that it’s your birthday? Happy Birthday my darling and I hope today is filled with fun, good food and good people <3 https://media.tenor.com/Qi8NXJ-K8KEAAAAd/happy-birthday-usagi.gif

Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29 Thanks Mama! ^_^

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying My pleasure love! I hope you enjoyed your day?

Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29 I did! I got a bunch of cool stuff from my sister. I got a Garfield piggy bank which is my favorite gift. ^_^

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I’m glad you enjoyed you day and your special gifts. That piggy bank sounds so cute

Mountain Curly @forgetmenot Oi. Another kid you haven't told me about? Good Grief. Well I'm done counting kids I wanna day off from "uncle-ing"!

Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29
Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29
The PlutoTV app has a 24/7 Sailor Moon channel!