Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
This account has been suspended.

Nekomimi @nekorine I do but then they give up too lol. I would get a personal trainer but then idk, am I paying too much now just to exercise? XD I could just work out in the park but thats a different story.

Nekomimi @nekorine lmao I think we should be gym partners jk jk XD

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader Lol that's why both partners need to get on each others asses, at least semi playful and semi hard ass. It depends on how much you workout and how much you want to spend, I have tennis rackets, tennis balls, a workout mat and a car so I'd be down to be gym partners unless?...

ssggoku11 @ssggoku11
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ssggoku11 @ssggoku11
I feel you just had the exam for my Psychology class and I studied all the hard questions the professor said were going to be on the test and none of the questions where on there. Only the simple ones I really debated if I should have walked out of the class right then and there, but I sucked it up and passed that Final!!

Nekomimi @nekorine I hope that applies to me XD easy question do trip you up so much :0000

Nekomimi @nekorine
Nekomimi @nekorine

coming out of the exam room knowing I wasted all that time studying the hard questions and they give us the easy questions that question my logic. I just, I-

Rain @rainx I'd say give yourself some credit. You worked your ass off being prepared and were ready for anything. Kudos to that in my book! c(_)´´´

Nekomimi @nekorine ya know what they had some maaaadddd questions. one of the multiple choice questions were : what does this specific virus do
one of the answers was : this virus pulls plastic out of the ocean
not even making it up

dreww24 @dreww24
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dreww24 @dreww24
Heyy sorry to hear that there's a lot going on now with you..man I always forget to check this website a lot. I hope things are better or get better with you. By any chance do you use discord or anything texting app by any chance? Just it'll be easier to talk.

dreww24 @dreww24
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dreww24 @dreww24
Hello Neko..How are you?

Nekomimi @nekorine Hello thanks for asking! If anything Aha...there’s so much going on in my life right now T-T.

KuroK @kurok
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KuroK @kurok
Thanks for the add!! and for picking me!! even if it was random ^^ if u wana add my discord its in my info and we can talk more there. Looking forward to the homemade scarf, but take ur time with it, no rush, either way tho im sure it will turn out great UwU

Nekomimi @nekorine I messaged you on here with my discord details :))))

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio

Nekomimi @nekorine wb? Warner bros?

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Lishifu @hakutaku
welcome back

Nekomimi @nekorine thank you :))))

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
wait , it was your birthday??
Hope you enjoyed your daaaay

frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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frankie @hiretsunaotaku
Thanks for the request :-D