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ghost_tear @ghost_tears
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ghost_tear @ghost_tears
UwU whyy thank u!

S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
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S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
Welcome to MaiOtaku!

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
Welcome to MO!
Hope you enjoy your stay here!!
I need a new anime to watch help?

mugiwara_no_nico @mugiwara_no_nico
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I need a new anime to watch help?
mugiwara_no_nico @mugiwara_no_nico
@Glossaryck i will give it a shot it looks hilarious hahaha. @ Excaliborg I LOVE GINTAMA AND I AGREE ABOUT THE TAKATIN ARC :)). @doppleman i love Made in Abyss as well, if i was a girl i would be Emma :3 THANK YOU ALL FOR THESE SUGGESTIONS YOU ARE ALL AMAZING
I need a new anime to watch help?

mugiwara_no_nico @mugiwara_no_nico
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I need a new anime to watch help?
mugiwara_no_nico @mugiwara_no_nico
@judgementoftherain please tell me more of what you suggest im making a list of what everyone adds and ill go through and give them all a shot!