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28 year old Male
Last online 5 months ago
Nov 01, 17 at 3:37am
I'm bored n can't sleep merp Where is else to do
Ed~ @yamadaed Go and make out with mary
Ed~ @yamadaed Make the manga fans happy
xxrwbyxx @xxrwbyxx left a comment for Nini
Nov 01, 17 at 12:30am
Oct 31, 17 at 10:19pm
https://78.media.tumblr.com/065440bd88a5f70da304a91fc848c6f1/tumblr_oyijjsYUL11r7cj5no1_540.jpg https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/13704318_268436623528830_1889415515_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMwMDk4Mzg1ODkzODA2MjA0OA%3D%3D.2 sometimes i wish i had a girlfriend so i could share memories with u.u
c12b88 @c12b88 left a comment for Nini
Oct 31, 17 at 6:57pm
to cute and pretty
xxrwbyxx @xxrwbyxx left a comment for Nini
Oct 31, 17 at 12:53am
Mikannnn long time no talk xP
Triscuit @bob_loblaw left a comment for Nini
Oct 30, 17 at 9:47pm
Yeah, after finishing Trigger Happy I started Goodbye Despair and am already half way through it! xD So if you're familiar with the Ultimate Nurse, that means you've played it then? I'll refrain from commenting on her to not spoil anything... >_>
Oct 30, 17 at 4:01pm
https://78.media.tumblr.com/e9041b1a891916b979ee9ccf5cdd28ce/tumblr_oynftslj7v1vc5dxto3_400.gif Keep wanting to show it all again and again Every single little thing Inside the small screen, I wanna be the prettiest Yet still I hide my feelings deep inside It takes so much effort to get the perfect look But it is something I can never give up Makes my heart beat everyday, it’s something you must never know Then I go on pretending BB cream pa-pa-pa, put on some lipstick mam-mam-ma Pose for the camera, aren’t I pretty When you see this, make a smile, and press hard On that cute red Heart Heart down there Like is such a common word, not enough to express my feelings But I like it, even if I can’t sleep, even if I run late, like it anyway https://78.media.tumblr.com/9e3fa77fbc515138b3aaf4c95d196547/tumblr_oynftslj7v1vc5dxto6_400.gif I feel melancholy today, pretend I’m not, but I still feel sad I’m sulking cuz you’re not responding My insensitive friends are asking me to hang out Oh wait wait I finally got an answer Woo My mind is swaying all day long One moment I’m crying, then I’m dancing with excitement again https://78.media.tumblr.com/e1486ee6b02b86ca21890afa88a31461/tumblr_oyn0x7A7Nq1vjucsho1_400.gif
Oct 29, 17 at 7:53pm
Oct 29, 17 at 1:48pm
Triscuit @bob_loblaw left a comment for Nini
Oct 29, 17 at 12:18pm
You're a clumsy nurse in the game I'm playing... xD https://pm1.narvii.com/6474/aca69acf7392e7a0e570e7122e8068f324bfd81b_hq.jpg