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ritabill77 @ritabill77
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ritabill77 @ritabill77
hey how are you doing today?

cherryfame @cherryfame
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cherryfame @cherryfame
Its going well i guess homework is always a pain in the ass OTL. How about you?

S @sugihara
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S @sugihara
It's been improving...
But improving.

mathias_kohler @mathias_kohler
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mathias_kohler @mathias_kohler
Thank you kindly Vid!
Anyone here want to be friends?

mathias_kohler @mathias_kohler
commented on
Anyone here want to be friends?
mathias_kohler @mathias_kohler
Mathias always welcomes new friends!
1.The whole Fate series (Fate/zero, Fate/stay night, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, Fate/Unlimited Blade Works, Etc.
2.Clannad and Clannad After story (Hey everyone needs something a little sappy.)
3. Kenichi- History's Strongest Disciple (manga still going and always gets me pumped!)
Hope to speak with everyone more and to become excellent friends!