cannibalwedding @cannibalwedding
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cannibalwedding @cannibalwedding
I'm otacool lol...
I really don't have a favorite type of anime or favorite genre because I love all of them *^* Anything that sparks my interest

wingzero87 @wingzero87
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wingzero87 @wingzero87
Yeah its pretty depressing. Can't even play the ps3 but luckily I have other interests so I should be ok for a little while. Just started playing the Last of Us at my buddies. It was just the intro though. Seemed pretty awesome. Whats up with you?

JessieMonster @jessiemonster
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JessieMonster @jessiemonster
I was going to order a cosplay as well, but I don't know whether to get Misa Amane, Sunako Nakahara, or Sebastian Michaelis.

luciendar2k @luciendar2k
luciendar2k @luciendar2k
That's right, got the swagger of a cripple today lol.

cannibalwedding @cannibalwedding
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cannibalwedding @cannibalwedding
Thanks! Yes, I am new o: I joined this site about a day ago.

JessieMonster @jessiemonster
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JessieMonster @jessiemonster
I missed out on my coffee today. My day other than that is going alright. I haven't had the chance to watch any or read any. I've been cleaning all day, then I made some Onigiri. ^^ How about yourself?

JessieMonster @jessiemonster
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JessieMonster @jessiemonster
Drinking coffee, just finished smoking a cigarette, now going to make breakfast then watch anime. Ha. You?

wingzero87 @wingzero87
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wingzero87 @wingzero87
Not too much here man. What's up with you? Kind of pissed because my TV is screwed up so no anime for a while. In desperate need of some stimulation to the otaku part of my brain

Atmos Fear @atmos_fear
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Atmos Fear @atmos_fear
I haven't been watching anything really. Watching a few first episodes of some stuff to see if it's any good. Just watched the first episode of Last Exile. I think I might watch that one if I don't find anything good. What about you?

Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
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Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
Awww, sorry to hear that. ;w; I have a handful of local friends who like anime. Just got to find those people.
Sep 20-22
Nov 1-3
Sep 6
Jan 9-11