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sapphire20 @sapphire20
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sapphire20 @sapphire20
Yoooo, your drawings are great!

quantumsneke @quantumsneke
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quantumsneke @quantumsneke
Hey hows it going I have to say I'm a little jealous you meet Tim Curry

Angel @azriel214
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Angel @azriel214
Hey, i'm from Dallas, Texas, how are you?
Obscure/Underrated Anime and Manga

littleskye @littleskye
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Obscure/Underrated Anime and Manga
littleskye @littleskye
Rave Master is way too underrated and needs more love. IDK if Nanbaka counts either.
Hey its Skye

littleskye @littleskye
Hey its Skye
littleskye @littleskye
So I'm a little new here. I've been on this site for maybe a few weeks but only now just started posting more. I'm just trying to find someone with a kind heart and loves anime.