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shockmaster16 @shockmaster16
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shockmaster16 @shockmaster16

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razgrizraven @razgrizraven
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razgrizraven @razgrizraven
Hello Little one
What's mandatory for you?

Little_One @little_one
What's mandatory for you?
Little_One @little_one
What's something that is mandatory in a guy/girl for you guys?
For me it has to be that they have to cosplay.. by cosplaying I mean outfits AND wigs.. they don't have to now but should be willing cause I'd like to share my cosplaying world and do skits/photoshoots/groups with them.
Hetalia fans?

Little_One @little_one
commented on
Hetalia fans?
Little_One @little_one
Just watched all of it and now cosplaying from it :)
Oct 28-31
Jun 2-5
Nov 3-6
Jan 27-29