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DJ Holden @lemondropv2
DJ Holden @lemondropv2
unfortunately, I am already talking to this beautiful girl but apparently she has a duck in her pants so it probably won't last very long ... ;)

Shari~San @shillypeno
commented on

Shari~San @shillypeno
hey you gotta gf or somethin? If not I'm single ;)

DJ Holden @lemondropv2
DJ Holden @lemondropv2
Got deleted somehow

DJ Holden @lemondropv2
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DJ Holden @lemondropv2
Lol this is sad

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 Its only 30 dollars lol

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 $30 can buy alot of Jimmy deans bro

ikunikudiku @ikunikudiku Dude got the block button immediately once they asked me for some cash a couple days ago.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 They need help tho, its only $30

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Panda dms please

DJ Holden @lemondropv2
DJ Holden @lemondropv2
Cook me like a lobster? Boiled or baked?

satanishere @satanishere
satanishere @satanishere
Ah, I was going to cook you like a lobster but.... thank you. I don't do the whole compliment thing.
post sexy pics of yourself

DJ Holden @lemondropv2
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post sexy pics of yourself
DJ Holden @lemondropv2

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Last one to post here wins

DJ Holden @lemondropv2
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Last one to post here wins
DJ Holden @lemondropv2
*Be beat...