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Marcus @marcus_k
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Marcus @marcus_k
missed you mfs by four months, but... leaving my mark just in caseee

Amir @amir_bahram
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Amir @amir_bahram
Woah you're back! Welcome back

LaughingMan @laughingman_ddd I often come, lurk, and go ^^
How are you Amir?

Amir @amir_bahram I'm doing good bro how about you

LaughingMan @laughingman_ddd I am also good UwU
Just some hurdles here and there, but otherwise it's smooth sailing.

Pk @tsubokura_yuiko_ao_no_rekuiemu
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Pk @tsubokura_yuiko_ao_no_rekuiemu
Bro come by if you ever see this. We gotta catch up on the medical talk. Also how far you at medical school? Are your parents like this? XD
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LaughingMan @laughingman_ddd
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LaughingMan @laughingman_ddd
"Science's canvas, painted with otaku's brush, brings forth a world where Naruto runs with Schrödinger's fox."
Favorite Quotes

LaughingMan @laughingman_ddd
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Favorite Quotes
LaughingMan @laughingman_ddd
"Imagination is more important than knowledge, just as the ultimate plot twist is more important than any scientific theorem."