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anitazamba30 @anitazamba30
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anitazamba30 @anitazamba30
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Alex C @izuketachimaru
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Alex C @izuketachimaru
hi I really like your page and o read your info I understand what you are going through and I feel the same I live in a shitty arean and cant find any ppl like me and hoping to find ms right for me so I hope we can atleast become friend and get to know each other

richard33 @richard33
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richard33 @richard33
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Hi Hi

kyokitty16 @kyokitty16
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Hi Hi
kyokitty16 @kyokitty16
Hi Hi

kyokitty16 @kyokitty16
Hi Hi
kyokitty16 @kyokitty16
Hey, My name....isn't important right now... but I just want to meet ppl that love anime like i do. we don't even have to like the same anime/manga. I recently went to my first con and i felt so accepted. just want to feel like that always.